"Bees don't fly in winter. And start-ups don't spring up in the middle of Corona..." *)
If you only read negative news, you run the risk of no longer noticing the beauty of nature and real life. Because bees also fly in winter. And the fact that we founded a sustainable high-tech start-up in the middle of the Corona pandemic was unimaginable for negative thinkers. Here we are. Visible. Beneficial. In the middle of nature.
A commentary by Christian Seebauer.
*) Bees do fly in winter, cf. https://bienen-freunde.de/winterschlaf-machen-die-bienen-keinen/ and good ideas come up at any time.
Vierkirchen 10.12.2021. Winter landscape.
Our start-up has been around for half a year now and so much has happened. Many people thought it was crazy and some people thought it was completely absurd that we would found a limited company together with friends and companions in the middle of Corona. Not me. The response we are getting speaks for itself. Suddenly, what belongs together comes together: people, farmers, companies, agencies and our environment, bees, meaning, sustainability.
I believe in visions. I believe in sustainability. I also believe in friends and companions who think exactly like me. And that a vision always strives to become reality. Even more so if the concept is crystal clear and gives sustainability a real chance.
Farmers - with whom, by the way, I often played as a child - have always been in the business of living sustainably and as ecologically as possible. The reality, however, is industry pressure, price dictates and the de facto compulsion to produce and survive under extreme conditions.... Recognition and the fair margin are missing.
"Bees don't fly in winter" is a saying we are currently confronted with on Facebook, even though bees are buzzing around between our feet right now and we can photograph them. And right now something is changing. And you can feel it. Even if I don't open a newspaper, don't bother to watch TV: My daughters (both vegan) have long been living and experiencing a completely new and separate world. A world that I can't (and don't have to) keep up with. And yet a world that inspires me because it is peaceful and has very very great ideals. And I stop and think: weren't those once my very own ideals? To do something good? To make the world a slightly better place?
Today, at the age of 53, I see the future as a crossroads. I myself am leaving the well-worn paths of pessimism with all my strength. Whether my path is the right one, I don't know. And yet I suddenly find so many companions and souls on this trail to sustainability and meaningfulness that I am sometimes completely emotionally overwhelmed.
We all know that something has to change. "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a first step" (Lao Tzu). Wise words, we take a first step and it feels great! It is not always good and bad or black and white. Organic field promotion with plants is the chance to talk to the very big brands as well, to involve them. Again, there is desire and will, honesty and a mandate not to stray too far from idealists and to listen very carefully to clients/ customers in a changing world. It's about real sustainability when customers demand it!
Everything is in flux right now. Everyone can become part of it and contribute. Everyone counts. Everything counts. Our vision is honest sustainability and the chance for everyone to participate and contribute fairly. No matter if you are a farmer, a company or an agency. Perhaps you would also like to become a small shareholder and show your passion for an investment that makes a difference.
When I see the fantastic drone footage of Philipp flying over our GEOXIP field today at 07:30 (and leaving already at 05:00), I am just happy and grateful. Who all was involved, I think to myself. And I can think of so many names that have put their trust in us and our vision. You could almost say blind faith in the power of nature, in the exact right moment and also in a few people who are obsessed with this idea. I want to say thank you and I get goose bumps because everything means so much more. To be part of, to be lifted up in a team of friends who give and believe in something very big together. The pressure to ever come close to fully living up to this standard is gigantic. I therefore take it like a mountain tour with good friends. When my friends feel happiness, it touches me deeply. And it spurs me on to reach new horizons together. Like next year, for example... but I'll tell you about that in a new post.
I would also like to combine saying thank you with real results. What was pure vision a short time ago is here today, thanks to all of you. Spectacular. Close. In the middle of it.
- Christian -
Would you like to become a GEOXIP shareholder now until 31.07.2022 at starting conditions? Let's go:
Because we are sure to be asked: The photos have NOT been post-processed, but taken unedited.