Die Natur als Bühne: Wir bauen Deine Botschaft mit Blumen an. Los geht’s
Download Kunden-Infos OOH-Außenwerbung mit Blumen auf Feldern (pdf)
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Feldwerbung mit heimischen Wildpflanzen ist sinnvoll und macht Nachhaltigkeit hautnah erlebbar
Unsere Bodenbilder mit Blumen am Feld …
- vernetzen Lebensräume
- fördern heimische Artenvielfalt
- erfüllen SDG17-Ziele
- hautnah erlebbar
- in allen Farben der Natur
- Aufmerksamkeit + Reichweite
- win win win für Natur, Landwirte und Werbetreibende
Die Umsetzung mit unseren hochpräzisen Vector-Seed® und Wildblumen-MultilayerSeed Verfahren garantiert höchste Präzision und beste Sichtbarkeit. Wir zeichnen uns aus durch unsere Erfahrung, herausragende Referenzen und den Mehrwert, den wir der Natur bringen. Unsere Blühlogos bringen Schmetterlinge, Wildbienen und heimische Arten zurück. Unsere nachhaltige Feldwerbung ist in allen Blühfarben der Natur möglich und fast ganzjährig erlebbar.
New area and many questions? Then we are happy to be there for you.
Call now: +49 89 926 570 25
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Companies can present themselves sustainably with field advertising
Brands can use field advertising to present themselves as climate-friendly, CO2-neutral and sustainable. The good thing about it: field advertising is not greenwashing, but extremely honest and regionally traceable outdoor advertising. It's not about questionable CO2 certificates, but about real nature sponsorships.
Outdoor advertising with flowers brings real sustainable content
A billboard or display ad makes no sense from nature's point of view! Field ads, on the other hand, are an honest thing: because they actually make a difference. Field advertising means doing away with fertilizers and insecticides. With field advertising, life comes back to the fields. It's about biodiversity and species diversity. It's about fairness to growers and farmers alike. It is about access to critical and environmentally aware customers.
Advertising in fields
With renewable wildflowers we sow advertising in fields. Huge: from 5-120 hectares. This corresponds to advertising spaces the size of 7-140 soccer fields. Spectacular outdoor advertising in mega-XXXL, but also meaningful nature sponsorship with a real story to improve our environment.
CSR report / sustainability report with biodiversity, species diversity, wildflowers, bees and CO bond
Sustainability reports often have no real tenable reference. Questionable CO2 certificates from foreign countries often turn out to be fake in retrospect and damage the customer relationship enormously. Field advertising directly on site can be experienced, walked through and is crystal clear for each of your customers. Our field ads with wildflowers make you a nature sponsor and show your sustainable philosophy honestly.
Nature as a Display
Using nature as a giant display? Manage the largest and most sustainable advertising space in the world? That's what we at GEOXIP can do for your company. With our field ads, your OOH outdoor advertising will be huge and successful.