From sketch to field artwork Fire Salamader with sunflowers in the field

From sketch to field artwork Fire Salamader with sunflowers in the field

A fire salamander hides in the field as a geoglyph

Tittmoning. In the district of Traunstein, a fire salamander is currently hiding as a work of field art in a small field in the middle of an industrial area. But what is it all about?

The fire salamander is a specially protected species in our homeland, making it the perfect and endearing symbol of species protection, biodiversity and high-tech testing. To demonstrate our new HighPrecision seeding process, Christian drew a salamander on paper, which we then sowed many times larger with sunflowers in a small corn field in Tittmoning. The flowering strip - here in the form of a salamander rather a flowering island - is therefore in the middle of the field.

Test of ooh outdoor advertising in the field: Fire salamander in Tittmoning, Photo: SHH/ GEOXIP
Seeded fire salamander with sunflowers as field art in Tittmoning, photo: SHH/ GEOXIP, (c) Marcus Hastreiter
Sketch of a fire salamander for later sowing as a field artifact (geoglyph), GEOXIP
Sketch of the fire salamander for later sowing as a field artwork (geoglyph), GEOXIP

Geoglyphs and ooh floor pictures: It all starts with a sketch:

What is about 20 centimetres on paper is now 150 meters on this field. Of course, it could always be bigger. But that's not what we were interested in here. Quite the opposite. The aim here is to push the resolution limits for multi-crop sowing even further down in order to make soil images and ooh projects in the field possible with maximum precision. With our Vector-Seed method, we have achieved a sowing accuracy of around 0.4 centimetres against the track and 1.6 centimetres in the track. The ground pattern was planned and laid by Felix Schnurpfeil, Sepp and Marcus Hastreiter.

Geoxip OOH outdoor advertising with Vector-Seed: Salamander at the terminal
This is what our salamander looks like in the machine. Illustration Vector-Seed, GEOXIP
Geoxip OOH outdoor advertising with Vector-Seed: Salamander at the terminal
Geoxip OOH outdoor advertising with Vector-Seed: Salamander at the terminal

In Tittmoning, we are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and showing what is already feasible with our innovation. The trial project is non-commercial. Our fire salamander with sunflowers is only a guest and now provides wild bees and butterflies with a small, attractive habitat. The salamander is hiding from the eyes of curious onlookers in the middle of the conventionally cultivated field and is just waiting to be allowed to blossom in all its sunflower glory. By the way: the field is not sprayed: Weeding is done by hand here. And some native wild herbs are allowed to remain in between, providing a habitat for insects.

Test of ooh outdoor advertising in the field: Fire salamander in Tittmoning, Photo: SHH/ GEOXIP
Fire salamander in Tittmoning, Photo: SHH/ GEOXIP/ (c) Marcus Hastreiter


The fire salander with sunflowers in the field in Tittmoning

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Seeded field logo for your company? Makes sense.

Maybe that would be something for your company too. With a spectacularly sown logo on the field, you are guaranteed to attract a lot of attention. And: your commitment makes perfect sense! After all, you're not just promoting your philosophy. You become a real nature sponsor, can bring back wild bees and connect biotopes. Your field logo is exciting every day and always offers new motifs. All of this can be experienced first-hand and is much closer than social media. If you are interested in our idea and our technology, then let's plan your project together. Let's get started!

The flowering fire salamander in the field at the end of August

Every day in nature is a quantum leap. Plants sprout, insect larvae hatch. Nature unfolds in all its splendor. Our field is unsprayed and there is an audible smell and buzz down here. The sunflowers have also all sprung up in the right place and are now blooming. Our field artwork has now turned bright yellow!

Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers
Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers
Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers
Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers
Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers
Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers - Photos: Marcus Hastreiter


Find the fire salamander from space!

Of course, the publicly available resolution is certainly somewhat limited for normal people from an altitude of 786 kilometers, but you can already guess from the satellite images from Sentinel-2 where the "little" fire salamander is hiding here. Incidentally, the satellite is not only very far away, but is also traveling at around 30,000 km/h in its orbit when taking pictures.

Satellite image of the fire salamander in Tittmoning
Satellite image of the fire salamander in Tittmoning
Satellite image of the fire salamander in Tittmoning
Satellite image of the fire salamander in Tittmoning


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