Become part of us as a startup shareholder.
Lass uns gemeinsam viele Bienen, Wildbienen, Schmetterlinge und heimische Wildpflanzen zurückbringen. Mit unseren HighTech-Innovationen wie VectorSeed(R) können wir die Natur zur ganz großen Bühne machen und mit unseren Geoglyphen Biodiversität und seltene Arten fördern! Dabei gewinnen alle! Unser Aktienwert hat sich bereits fast verdreifacht. Werde jetzt noch zu Startkonditionen Teil von uns und helfe mit, etwas wirklich Sinnvolles zu bewegen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Together with Friends & Family, we founded the start-up GEOXIP in the middle of Corona in the north of Munich. What drives us is to use high-tech not against - but for nature.
Sustainable. Spectacular. HighPrecion logo cultivation with wildflowers in fields.
Wir säen Logos an und entwickeln Wildblumen-Saat-Techniken: Nachhaltig. Großflächig auf bis zu 120 Ha. Farbig blühend und gerne mit Bienenkörben mittendrin. Grünes Storytelling für Unternehmen. Chance für die Natur. Wir vernetzen Lebensräume und bringen Artenvielfalt zurück. Wir geben Landwirten eine faire Perspektive. Lass uns gemeinsam etwas wirklich Sinnvolles groß werden. Los geht’s.
"You can be part of it and move sustainability."
We have founded our start-up GEOXIP as a public limited company. You can be part of it and make a difference.
- The concept of "Vector-based advertising cultivation, sustainable, plant-based" is easy for everyone to understand
- The potential gap between the advertising industry and agricultural yield is extremely high in comparison
- You can meet the founding team in person at any time
- Our concept and technology is innovative and globally scalable
- Eine GEOXIP Aktie kostet aktuell 125 Euro
- You can currently still join at starting conditions
Letter of reference fromWeihenstephan-TriesdorfUniversity of Applied Sciences
"i consider your company GEOXIP AG as very innovative. In particular
this applies in particular to your business model. (...) In a time in which biodiversity is increasingly in the public focus and in which sustainability is also becoming more and more important for companies, I rate the development prospects of your offer as very positive."
If you would like to know more
Our company presentation:
Our startup briefly introduced by founder Christian
Our share performance to date
“Ich interessiere mich für einen Zeichnungsschein der GEOXIP AG zu Startkonditionen. EUR 125,00 je Aktie.”
Only as long as the offer is available and subscription forms are still available at initial conditions.
Be part of it. Here we go:
Read more:

GEOXIP start-up shares - high-tech and biodiversity

Sown bee at Lake Waginger See as a biotope network in the test project for soil images

From sketch to field artwork Fire Salamader with sunflowers in the field

Hello Taylor! Antenne Bayern. Huge ground picture at the MUC Airport field

High-tech startup GEOXIP: Geobranding and success are teamwork.

Giant geoglyph with corn and flowers in the field for the big ERDINGER summer fairy tale

Lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture in the sunrise

Why Robert is a GEOXIP shareholder. A short statement for our start-up

Christian explains GEOXIP for shareholders

Bringing back biodiversity. Networking habitats. ooh Field advertising brings benefits for nature.

Telekom wins German Sustainability Award. The large floor painting with flowers on the field was part of it

GEOXIP field advertising: what farmer Christop says about it

HighTech for sustainability. Join us. Become a startup shareholder with us!
GEOXIP is a recognized start-up eligible for funding, certified by BAFA

BAFA support program "The investor is reimbursed for part of the sum with which he invests in a young innovative company".
The eligibility certificate can be used by the young company together with information about the grant to acquire investors. Using an eligibility logo provided by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), companies recognized as eligible can draw the attention of interested parties to their eligibility for funding on their website and in presentations. This increases the company's chances of obtaining venture capital financing.
For the investor the risk of capital investment is reduced by INVEST. The investor is reimbursed for part of the sum with which he invests in a young innovative company. His shares, on the other hand, remain with him in their entirety. If the investor sells his shares after a minimum holding period of three years, he does not have to repay the acquisition grant. In addition, the investor can receive a lump-sum refund of the taxes on profits that accrue on the sale of the acquired shares (applies only to natural persons).
Requirements that must be met by the investor
The investor must be a natural person with main residence in the EEA who is not affiliated with the company. Alternatively, the investor may acquire the shares in the company via a GmbH/UG (so-called Business Angels GmbH/UG). This GmbH/UG may have a maximum of ten shareholders (only natural persons), at least one of whom must be of age. The business purpose of the GmbH/UG must include entering into and holding investments. Other permissible business purposes are exclusively asset management and consulting. The investor or the GmbH/UG must hold the shares in full for at least three years after taking over the shares / subscribing to the shares (so-called minimum holding period). In addition, the investment must be a first-time investment in the company. Follow-up investments are not eligible for support.