Bringing back biodiversity. Networking habitats. ooh Field advertising brings benefits for nature.
Biotope networking and promotion of native biodiversity with field advertising Field advertising is much more than pure marketing and sustainable corporate communication. It is an advantage for farmers, it brings back biodiversity and it can be experienced. And: flowering islands can connect biotopes and habitats and thus build bridges for the spread of native species, as Deutsche Telekom (winner of the 16th German Sustainability Award) has successfully demonstrated with its Magenta Blossom field advertising. Flower strips are normally placed at the edge of fields and usually occupy only a few percent (e.g. 5%) of the field area in the form of a line. Due to the geometry, biotope networking can therefore often only take place one-dimensionally (not covering the area) and to a limited extent. This is where the "Magenta Blossom" field advertising sets completely new standards. The field is surrounded by an approximately 12m wide flowering strip and interspersed with flowering islands (T logo and #green magenta lettering). This allows two-dimensional colonization with insects and cross-spatial biotope networking with opportunities to jump to other areas.
Future value field advertising: sideline for farmers with appreciation
As a farmer, you may be used to working with very tight margins and having to achieve a certain monetary value per hectare with hard work and your own risk. Our start-up GEOXIP now offers you the opportunity to temporarily use your field for sustainable advertising cultivation. This can be for an entire season or for a short period in between. You are also welcome to use your field when it is not being used for cultivation, e.g. in winter. In our GEOXIP online platform, you can simply advertise your fields and your interest in advertising cultivation free of charge. We will then place orders for sustainable advertising cultivation on your fields and can pay you far more than what you earn with normal cultivation. It's not about money for us. Our concept is about fairness, sustainability and change. What you grow in your field is...