Tag Archives: VectorSeed

BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech

HighTech Startup GEOXIP: Geobrandings und Erfolg sind Teamarbeit. Danke an alle, die uns unterstützen! Auszeichnungen und Awards für das größte Wildblumenlogo der Welt. Das größte Sportbranding der Welt, das größte Brauerei-Logo der Welt mit Feld und Wildblumen…  hinter all dem steht die Idee, Präzisionstechnik für den Wildblumenanbau zu entwickeln und statt schnöder Blühstreifen hochpräzise Wildblumenlogos mit schützenswerten heimischen Pflanzenarten anzubauen. Davon profitiert die Natur, denn wir vernetzen Biotope und bringen Wildbienen und Vielfalt zurück. Unser Geschäftsmodell belohnt zudem Landwirte, die sich für Biodiversität einsetzen und sich als GEOXIP-Partner vollkommen kostenfrei bei uns registrieren können. Kunden werden so zum echten und ehrlichen Naturpaten. Denn Geoglyphen mit heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen und all der Insektenvielfalt und Blütenvielfalt kann man hautnah von unten erleben. Hier in unserer Heimat. All das macht Sinn, weil eben alle davon profitieren! Der ein oder andere Groß-Investor hat uns auf der Startlinie noch milde belächelt. Wir passen ja…

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Drone image of a field advertisement with field and wild flowers (Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG./ GEOXIP)

Ground picture as biotope-spanning bee pasture For its 110th anniversary, Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG is once again committed to true sustainability and native biodiversity. Wild bees, bees, bumblebees and butterflies are allowed to fly on the "110" sown with field and wild flowers. Here they find food and a biotope-spanning unsprayed retreat. The anniversary logo was sown in the Dachau district with a field and wildflower mixture using GEOXIP's VectorSeed technology and connects several local biotope areas. While fields are mowed all around, the flower logo provides a small but rich habitat for all kinds of beneficial insects, soil life and, of course, field hares. Included in the flower mix are numerous soil-improving plants, such as those that, as deep-rooted plants, absorb Co2 and nitrogen from the air and permanently bind it in the soil as humus. Video: Seen from the air - soil picture as bee pasture Habitat explained in 54 seconds: While all around after mowing hardly any food and habitat for insects can be found...

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GEOXIP at the DLG Field Days 2022 says thank you! It's about farmers. It's about opportunities and appreciation. Mannheim. 2022. It's about farmers. It's about the people who stand fully behind our nature and extract from it every day all that we all need to live. We at the startup GEOXIP say thank you for the wonderful conversations and the overwhelming interest in our concept of bringing some appreciation back to farmers in addition to orders. We also say thank you to the outstandingly good organization and the insanely dedicated commitment of all DLG staff: You can't do it better and with more attention to detail. You have brought people and visions together! (Link for farmers: https://geoxip.com/landwirte/ ) A comment by Christian Seebauer. As a young startup, we were in no way prepared for such a gigantic interest and incredible reception. "Unprofessional" - my wife Conny would say with a smile. Because already on the first day we...

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