Tag Archives: servus taylor

Geoglyph (ground image) Servus Taylor, Antenne Bayern in the approach path of Munich Airport

"Servus Taylor! Antenne Bayern". Info on the making of the giant soil image at MUC Airport We at the start-up GEOXIP have specialized in sowing giant soil images with field and wild flowers and developing the technology for this. Using high-precision seeding methods such as Vector-Seed® and Multilayerseed, we enable the cultivation of flowering geobrandings. What grows as a spectacular branding when seen from a distance brings back native biodiversity on the ground. With geobranding, components of a lettering usually become oversized flowering islands that can connect biotopes and provide habitats and dispersal potential for wild bees and insects. All this is possible even in the middle of conventional cultivation. Nothing is lost. Everything makes sense. The "Servus Taylor!" geobranding was created by GEOXIP using state-of-the-art DGPS methods with a resolution of 1.7 centimetres in the Munich flight path. The field had already been harvested and is used in this project for a short time as a natural stage before sowing an extensive catch crop, from which the farmer also benefits....

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