Tag Archives: plant pictures

Drone image of a field advertisement with field and wild flowers (Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG./ GEOXIP)

Ground picture as biotope-spanning bee pasture For its 110th anniversary, Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG is once again committed to true sustainability and native biodiversity. Wild bees, bees, bumblebees and butterflies are allowed to fly on the "110" sown with field and wild flowers. Here they find food and a biotope-spanning unsprayed retreat. The anniversary logo was sown in the Dachau district with a field and wildflower mixture using GEOXIP's VectorSeed technology and connects several local biotope areas. While fields are mowed all around, the flower logo provides a small but rich habitat for all kinds of beneficial insects, soil life and, of course, field hares. Included in the flower mix are numerous soil-improving plants, such as those that, as deep-rooted plants, absorb Co2 and nitrogen from the air and permanently bind it in the soil as humus. Video: Seen from the air - soil picture as bee pasture Habitat explained in 54 seconds: While all around after mowing hardly any food and habitat for insects can be found...

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