Tag Archives: OOH

BR Unser Land TV report about the startup

GEOXIP on television: BR 'Unser Land' - Flowering mix in the logo, advertising in the field "But let's start with a crazy idea. Flower strips as advertising space in the field. Well, we couldn't imagine anything like that, so we took a look at it and... [short pause] were surprised!" says Florian Kienast, excitingly introducing the first segment of the popular TV show 'Unser Land' on BR television. The start-up GEOXIP will be presented with the spectacular logo extension for "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU" at prime time on Friday at 7.00 pm. The program 'Unser Land' is one of the most popular and widest-reaching formats of all. Bavarian Broadcasting has regularly accompanied us here since the logo was planted. Often in the rain. But that's just part of it out here. On an area of over 13 hectares, we have sown millions of native field and wild flowers here - in the middle of conventional cultivation,...

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Field art: bee and sunflower as a logo on the field

Chiemgau. Hoch über dem Waginger See mit Blick in die Bayrischen Alpen haben wir mit unserem GEOXIP-Team zusammen mit SHH (Marcus und Sepp Hastreiter, Felix Schnurpfeil) die neuesten Entwicklungen unserer Vector-Seed Technik erprobt und dabei ganz nebenbei ein spektakuläres wie sinnvolles Bodenbild mit Biene und Sonnenblume im Acker versteckt. Weil so viele uns fragen und auch die Presse das Thema aufgegriffen hat, verraten wir Euch gerne ein paar Hintergrundinfos zu unserem Demo-Projekt in unserer Heimat. Logoanbau ist eine Chance für Wildbienen und heimische Artenvielfalt Auf 77.150 Quadratmetern (das entspricht etwa 10 aneinandergereihten Fußballfeldern) haben wir mit 204.000 Sonnenblumen und ca. 5,4% untergesäten heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen eine Biene mit Sonnenblume mitten in ein konventionelles Maisfeld mit unserer Technik eingesät. Der Landwirt kann es sich bei unserem gut vergütetem Projekt erlauben, auf rigorose Unkrautvernichtung zu verzichten und neben den eingesäten Sonnenblumen im Feld auch einmal “Unkraut” und (ansonsten undenkbare) Untersaat mit…

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Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers

A fire salamander is hiding as a geoglyph in the field Tittmoning. In the district of Traunstein, a fire salamander is currently hiding in a small field in the middle of an industrial area as a work of field art. But what is it all about? The fire salamander is a specially protected species in our homeland, making it the perfect and endearing symbol of species protection, biodiversity and high-tech testing. To demonstrate our new high-precision sowing process, Christian drew a salamander on paper, which we then sowed many times larger with sunflowers in a small maize field in Tittmoning. The flowering strip - here in the form of a salamander rather a flowering island - is therefore in the middle of the field. Geoglyphs and ooh soil pictures: It all starts with a sketch: What is about 20 centimetres on paper now becomes 150 meters on this field. Of course, it could always be bigger. But that's not what we were interested in here. Quite the opposite. This is about...

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Geoglyph (ground image) Servus Taylor, Antenne Bayern in the approach path of Munich Airport

"Servus Taylor! Antenne Bayern". Info on the making of the giant soil image at MUC Airport We at the start-up GEOXIP have specialized in sowing giant soil images with field and wild flowers and developing the technology for this. Using high-precision seeding methods such as Vector-Seed® and Multilayerseed, we enable the cultivation of flowering geobrandings. What grows as a spectacular branding when seen from a distance brings back native biodiversity on the ground. With geobranding, components of a lettering usually become oversized flowering islands that can connect biotopes and provide habitats and dispersal potential for wild bees and insects. All this is possible even in the middle of conventional cultivation. Nothing is lost. Everything makes sense. The "Servus Taylor!" geobranding was created by GEOXIP using state-of-the-art DGPS methods with a resolution of 1.7 centimetres in the Munich flight path. The field had already been harvested and is used in this project for a short time as a natural stage before sowing an extensive catch crop, from which the farmer also benefits....

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BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech

HighTech Startup GEOXIP: Geobrandings und Erfolg sind Teamarbeit. Danke an alle, die uns unterstützen! Auszeichnungen und Awards für das größte Wildblumenlogo der Welt. Das größte Sportbranding der Welt, das größte Brauerei-Logo der Welt mit Feld und Wildblumen…  hinter all dem steht die Idee, Präzisionstechnik für den Wildblumenanbau zu entwickeln und statt schnöder Blühstreifen hochpräzise Wildblumenlogos mit schützenswerten heimischen Pflanzenarten anzubauen. Davon profitiert die Natur, denn wir vernetzen Biotope und bringen Wildbienen und Vielfalt zurück. Unser Geschäftsmodell belohnt zudem Landwirte, die sich für Biodiversität einsetzen und sich als GEOXIP-Partner vollkommen kostenfrei bei uns registrieren können. Kunden werden so zum echten und ehrlichen Naturpaten. Denn Geoglyphen mit heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen und all der Insektenvielfalt und Blütenvielfalt kann man hautnah von unten erleben. Hier in unserer Heimat. All das macht Sinn, weil eben alle davon profitieren! Der ein oder andere Groß-Investor hat uns auf der Startlinie noch milde belächelt. Wir passen ja…

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Erdinger Weissbräu field advertising - Impressive ground image as a geoglyph for OOH outdoor advertising and biotope networking

A clear statement for joie de vivre, closeness to nature and biodiversity: Gigantic floor image at MUC Airport – ERDINGER Weißbräu inspires and amazes. Nature and biodiversity benefit. Just in time for EM2024, the private brewery ERDINGER Weißbräu is setting a sustainable example of joie de vivre and closeness to nature with what is probably the world's largest brewing logo ever sown. Because the stage here is not traditional or social media, but nature itself in all its glory. And it shows that it is absolutely worth respecting and promoting. In the spaces between the ERDINGER geoglyph, native field and wildflowers will then grow. Among them are rare species worthy of protection, which were deliberately selected here. What everyone knows are normal flower strips at the edge of the field. Here, however, in the middle of conventional cultivation, entire flowering islands are allowed to thrive and give insects such as wild bees a springboard to spread. Biotopes are networked with the flowering islands. The nature sponsorship of ERDINGER Weißbräu makes sense and can be experienced up close. The...

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