Tag Archives: sustainable

Seeding of wild bee pasture#green magenta for Telekom "Magenta Blossom" in Bonn on 40 hectares, 400,000 square meters of biodiversity, logo cultivation GEOXIP

World Environment Day 2023 - Deutsche Telekom "Magenta Blossom" is sown Just in time for World Environment Day 2023, Deutsche Telekom is setting a strong example for real sustainability and pioneering in the middle of our home country. On one of the largest fields in the Cologne/Bonn area, more than 20 million field and wild flowers have been sown on over 40 (!) hectares (approx. 57 soccer fields, circumference over 2.8 kilometers), which will bring back a biodiversity that has probably never been seen before in this form. All that is needed now is sunshine and rain so that the first wild bees can find a rich source of food here. What is special about this is not just the mere cultivation of plant species, some of which have become rare, but the "Magenta Blossom" project itself. Because seen from the air, the huge flowering areas not only form a biotope network but also, in a few weeks, the Telekom logo and the "#green magenta" lettering with blooming field and wild flowers. This project is made possible by our high-precision VectorSeed process,...

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