GEOXIP on television: BR Unser Land - Flower mixture in the logo, advertising in the field
GEOXIP on television: BR 'Unser Land' - Flowering mix in the logo, advertising in the field "But let's start with a crazy idea. Flower strips as advertising space in the field. Well, we couldn't imagine anything like that, so we took a look at it and... [short pause] were surprised!" says Florian Kienast, excitingly introducing the first segment of the popular TV show 'Unser Land' on BR television. The start-up GEOXIP will be presented with the spectacular logo extension for "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU" at prime time on Friday at 7.00 pm. The program 'Unser Land' is one of the most popular and widest-reaching formats of all. Bavarian Broadcasting has regularly accompanied us here since the logo was planted. Often in the rain. But that's just part of it out here. On an area of over 13 hectares, we have sown millions of native field and wild flowers here - in the middle of conventional cultivation,...
Largest sports branding in the world sown on 50 hectares of field at Berlin Airport
Largest sports branding in the world sown on 50 hectares of field at Berlin Airport Just in time for the start of the 2024 European Championships, we from startup GEOXIP have sown what is probably the largest sports branding in the world with millions of flowers on a field directly at Berlin Airport. The dimensions are gigantic. The field covers an area of 490,000 square meters, i.e. around 50 hectares (equivalent to around 70 soccer pitches). The circumference of the field is 2.8 kilometers. If you were to walk around every detail, you would cover almost 5 kilometers. The branding and lettering have a circumference of 4,574 meters. The sown lettering "YOU GOT THIS" is an incredible 600 meters (!) long and each letter is at least 65 meters high. The surface area of a single letter such as the "O" alone is 2,890 square meters, roughly the size of 10 small terraced houses with gardens. Here, however, it provides a habitat for thousands of native field and wild flowers and creates a network in the middle of...
Lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture in the sunrise
Huge lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture at sunrise On the approach to the runway at Munich Airport, a huge ground picture of the Lufthansa Group can be seen from afar. The upward message is hard to miss, because its dimensions alone are so gigantic that it breaks all conventional boundaries. The elements of the lettering have a total circumference of 5.6 kilometers! Individual letters are up to almost 40 (!) meters high and have a surface area of up to 1,200 square meters! You could easily build a detached house with a large garden on some of these letters. But that's not the point, of course. Seen from the air, each individual letter is a message. On the ground, each letter forms its own flowering island and will then link biodiverse habitats and biotopes at Pullinger Weiher from spring onwards. An approach at sunrise is already spectacular. In the short video we show...
Magenta Blossom: Islands of bloom to allow nature to come back
Huge islands of blooms to let nature come back Magenta Blossom #greenmagenta is possibly the largest field and wildflower logo in the world. Deutsche Telekom is behind this unique nature sponsorship. The idea is to bring nature back across biotopes on gigantic islands of blooms. The huge field in Bonn/ Flamersheim was sown using high-precision vector-seed technology from the startup GEOXIP together with farmers. Wildflower logos on 40 hectares (56 soccer fields) can also be seen from space. What you can only see from below: Insects, wild bees, butterflies and wildflowers threatened with extinction are allowed to come back here in unimagined diversity and open up many more habitats by flying from biotope to biotope. For Deutsche Telekom, we were allowed to sow over 20 (!) million field and wild flowers for the ".T." and "#green magenta". These included native species that have long been on the red list and are specially protected or even threatened with extinction. Now everything is starting to bloom colorfully and come to life. Who here...
DLG Field Days 2022 brings people, nature and visions together - a huge success
GEOXIP at the DLG Field Days 2022 says thank you! It's about farmers. It's about opportunities and appreciation. Mannheim. 2022. It's about farmers. It's about the people who stand fully behind our nature and extract from it every day all that we all need to live. We at the startup GEOXIP say thank you for the wonderful conversations and the overwhelming interest in our concept of bringing some appreciation back to farmers in addition to orders. We also say thank you to the outstandingly good organization and the insanely dedicated commitment of all DLG staff: You can't do it better and with more attention to detail. You have brought people and visions together! (Link for farmers: ) A comment by Christian Seebauer. As a young startup, we were in no way prepared for such a gigantic interest and incredible reception. "Unprofessional" - my wife Conny would say with a smile. Because already on the first day we...
Future value field advertising: sideline for farmers with appreciation
As a farmer, you may be used to working with very tight margins and having to achieve a certain monetary value per hectare with hard work and your own risk. Our start-up GEOXIP now offers you the opportunity to temporarily use your field for sustainable advertising cultivation. This can be for an entire season or for a short period in between. You are also welcome to use your field when it is not being used for cultivation, e.g. in winter. In our GEOXIP online platform, you can simply advertise your fields and your interest in advertising cultivation free of charge. We will then place orders for sustainable advertising cultivation on your fields and can pay you far more than what you earn with normal cultivation. It's not about money for us. Our concept is about fairness, sustainability and change. What you grow in your field is...