Tag Archives: field advertising

BR Unser Land TV report about the startup

GEOXIP on television: BR 'Unser Land' - Flowering mix in the logo, advertising in the field "But let's start with a crazy idea. Flower strips as advertising space in the field. Well, we couldn't imagine anything like that, so we took a look at it and... [short pause] were surprised!" says Florian Kienast, excitingly introducing the first segment of the popular TV show 'Unser Land' on BR television. The start-up GEOXIP will be presented with the spectacular logo extension for "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU" at prime time on Friday at 7.00 pm. The program 'Unser Land' is one of the most popular and widest-reaching formats of all. Bavarian Broadcasting has regularly accompanied us here since the logo was planted. Often in the rain. But that's just part of it out here. On an area of over 13 hectares, we have sown millions of native field and wild flowers here - in the middle of conventional cultivation,...

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Field art: Sown fire salamander with sunflowers shows potential for field advertising

The opportunities of field advertising with flowers and the consistent vision of the start-up GEOXIP Nature as an advertising space with wildflowers? What initially sounds like a bold vision has already been put into practice by the Munich-based start-up GEOXIP. With a creative approach that goes far beyond conventional advertising, GEOXIP sows huge logos with wildflowers in fields. Innovative seeding techniques such as Vector-Seed® and Multilayer-Seed turn fields into living works of art and at the same time a symbol of sustainability and biodiversity. This form of advertising creates a unique connection between people, nature and brand. It is a concept that focuses on genuine emotions and is a triple winner: for the environment, the farmers and the companies. Blooming messages: Nature is the winner Imagine a field full of native wildflowers spreading out under a bright blue sky. From a distance, you can make out a company's giant logo or message - spectacular, huge, vibrant,...

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Flowering fire salamander sown with sunflowers

A fire salamander is hiding as a geoglyph in the field Tittmoning. In the district of Traunstein, a fire salamander is currently hiding in a small field in the middle of an industrial area as a work of field art. But what is it all about? The fire salamander is a specially protected species in our homeland, making it the perfect and endearing symbol of species protection, biodiversity and high-tech testing. To demonstrate our new high-precision sowing process, Christian drew a salamander on paper, which we then sowed many times larger with sunflowers in a small maize field in Tittmoning. The flowering strip - here in the form of a salamander rather a flowering island - is therefore in the middle of the field. Geoglyphs and ooh soil pictures: It all starts with a sketch: What is about 20 centimetres on paper now becomes 150 meters on this field. Of course, it could always be bigger. But that's not what we were interested in here. Quite the opposite. This is about...

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Geoglyph (ground image) Servus Taylor, Antenne Bayern in the approach path of Munich Airport

"Servus Taylor! Antenne Bayern". Info on the making of the giant soil image at MUC Airport We at the start-up GEOXIP have specialized in sowing giant soil images with field and wild flowers and developing the technology for this. Using high-precision seeding methods such as Vector-Seed® and Multilayerseed, we enable the cultivation of flowering geobrandings. What grows as a spectacular branding when seen from a distance brings back native biodiversity on the ground. With geobranding, components of a lettering usually become oversized flowering islands that can connect biotopes and provide habitats and dispersal potential for wild bees and insects. All this is possible even in the middle of conventional cultivation. Nothing is lost. Everything makes sense. The "Servus Taylor!" geobranding was created by GEOXIP using state-of-the-art DGPS methods with a resolution of 1.7 centimetres in the Munich flight path. The field had already been harvested and is used in this project for a short time as a natural stage before sowing an extensive catch crop, from which the farmer also benefits....

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BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech

HighTech Startup GEOXIP: Geobrandings und Erfolg sind Teamarbeit. Danke an alle, die uns unterstützen! Auszeichnungen und Awards für das größte Wildblumenlogo der Welt. Das größte Sportbranding der Welt, das größte Brauerei-Logo der Welt mit Feld und Wildblumen…  hinter all dem steht die Idee, Präzisionstechnik für den Wildblumenanbau zu entwickeln und statt schnöder Blühstreifen hochpräzise Wildblumenlogos mit schützenswerten heimischen Pflanzenarten anzubauen. Davon profitiert die Natur, denn wir vernetzen Biotope und bringen Wildbienen und Vielfalt zurück. Unser Geschäftsmodell belohnt zudem Landwirte, die sich für Biodiversität einsetzen und sich als GEOXIP-Partner vollkommen kostenfrei bei uns registrieren können. Kunden werden so zum echten und ehrlichen Naturpaten. Denn Geoglyphen mit heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen und all der Insektenvielfalt und Blütenvielfalt kann man hautnah von unten erleben. Hier in unserer Heimat. All das macht Sinn, weil eben alle davon profitieren! Der ein oder andere Groß-Investor hat uns auf der Startlinie noch milde belächelt. Wir passen ja…

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Sunrise on the LufthansaGroup ground picture Field advertising in the approach path to Munich Airport

Huge lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture at sunrise On the approach to the runway at Munich Airport, a huge ground picture of the Lufthansa Group can be seen from afar. The upward message is hard to miss, because its dimensions alone are so gigantic that it breaks all conventional boundaries. The elements of the lettering have a total circumference of 5.6 kilometers! Individual letters are up to almost 40 (!) meters high and have a surface area of up to 1,200 square meters! You could easily build a detached house with a large garden on some of these letters. But that's not the point, of course. Seen from the air, each individual letter is a message. On the ground, each letter forms its own flowering island and will then link biodiverse habitats and biotopes at Pullinger Weiher from spring onwards. An approach at sunrise is already spectacular. In the short video we show...

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NEXT LANDING: DREAMJOB. lufthansagroup.careers as a ground picture, sowing with field and wild flowers

Ready to take off for field and wild flowers: Giant ground painting "NEXT LANDING: DREAMJOB. lufthansagroup.careers" sown With two gigantic geoglyphs, the Lufthansa Group is not only drawing attention to itself from the air, but is also acting as a far-sighted nature sponsor in our home country. Because down here, two huge ground images with their flowering islands will bring back many native wildflowers and an unimagined diversity of species. For insects, this will create a network of habitats across biotopes. What is a message from above is an incredibly beautiful and meaningful project for biodiversity on the ground. As an observer on the ground, you will be delighted to see colorful flowers and returning wild bees and butterflies, the diversity of which has long since disappeared from agricultural fields. Youtube link: https://youtu.be/6LUzYam5MdY Biggest job ad in the world? The font has a circumference of 5.6 kilometers! Of course, we don't know whether this geoglyph is actually the largest job advertisement in the world. In any case...

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Biotope networking and promotion of native biodiversity with field advertising Field advertising is much more than pure marketing and sustainable corporate communication. It is an advantage for farmers, it brings back biodiversity and it can be experienced. And: flowering islands can connect biotopes and habitats and thus build bridges for the spread of native species, as Deutsche Telekom (winner of the 16th German Sustainability Award) has successfully demonstrated with its Magenta Blossom field advertising. Flower strips are normally placed at the edge of fields and usually occupy only a few percent (e.g. 5%) of the field area in the form of a line. Due to the geometry, biotope networking can therefore often only take place one-dimensionally (not covering the area) and to a limited extent. This is where the "Magenta Blossom" field advertising sets completely new standards. The field is surrounded by an approximately 12m wide flowering strip and interspersed with flowering islands (T logo and #green magenta lettering). This allows two-dimensional colonization with insects and cross-spatial biotope networking with opportunities to jump to other areas.

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16th German Sustainability Award for Deutsche Telekom, illustrated in the field advertisement #MagentaBlossom created by GEOXIP

Deutsche Telekom wins German Sustainability Award 11.2023: Deutsche Telekom wins the German Sustainability Award, setting real standards for honest and comprehensible commitment. The photos were taken in the world's largest field and wildflower logo "Magenta Blossom", created by the start-up GEOXIP. Melanie Kubin-Hardewig (Vice President Group Corporate Responsibility at Deutsche Telekom) writes on LinkedIn: "A prize for us, a win for everyone! We did it! We have won an award. But it's more than just a prize. Because the 16th #DeutscheNachhaltigkeitspreis is not only Germany's most prestigious award for exemplary ecological and social achievements - for us it is a special confirmation of our ongoing commitment to #sustainability in the #telecommunications industry. It is THE great recognition for our highly committed Magenta team and their tireless work. Also, this award is a joint award to our customers who recognize and use our many #sustainability initiatives and products. All this is the reason why...

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