Tag Archives: BayStartUP

GEOXIP AG at the Startup Demo Night in Munich 2022

GEOXIP wins place at the Startup Demo Night 2022 in Munich Munich. We have achieved an enormous amount with our start-up GEOXIP AG in a short period of time and have now even won our place at the start-up fair "Startup Demo Night" on 17.05. in Munich! This means that we are consistently moving forward in really big steps and we can also present ourselves to international investors and customers with our concept of "sustainable logo cultivation on fields of up to 100 ha (1km x 1km)". In general: There is so much to show and so much to tell... With GPS-controlled plant-based advertising cultivation, we transform agricultural land into flourishing advertising space and offer the perfect solution for Global Sustainability Advertising. GPS-guided plant advertising is new, globally scalable and opens up a completely new and ecologically sound value chain for farmers, supported by the high-priced global advertising market. We offer companies the perfect solution for Sustainable Advertising and Green Storytelling in agricultural fields. For our booth...

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Rollup Geoxip AG at the Start-up Demo Night in Munich/ Baystartup

GEOXIP at the Baystartup Demo Night We are there: BayStartUp writes us "congratulations! You have been selected for the Startup Demo Night by BayStartUP. This will take place on 17.05.2022 at TonHalle Munich, Atelierstraße 24, 81671 Munich." Our application hits the zeitgeist exactly: Sustainability. Solutions. With GPS-controlled plant advertising cultivation, we transform agricultural land into flourishing advertising space and offer a globally scalable perfect solution for sustainability implementation/sustainable external impact (Corporate Social Responsibility). GEOXIP's revenue model is based on the difference between huge advertising budgets on the one hand and low prices in agriculture on the other. The yield value of land used for "advertising cultivation" can be 40 times higher than the usual yield value for agricultural use. We mediate (B2B platform) and grow sustainable field advertising with real flowers and bee pastures for corporations on up to 100 HA (1km x 1km). For clients, this is the perfect solution for their need to implement advertising budgets with sustainability in a meaningful way. So far, sustainable advertising media have been so...

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