GEOXIP on television: BR Unser Land - Flower mixture in the logo, advertising in the field
GEOXIP on television: BR 'Unser Land' - Flowering mix in the logo, advertising in the field "But let's start with a crazy idea. Flower strips as advertising space in the field. Well, we couldn't imagine anything like that, so we took a look at it and... [short pause] were surprised!" says Florian Kienast, excitingly introducing the first segment of the popular TV show 'Unser Land' on BR television. The start-up GEOXIP will be presented with the spectacular logo extension for "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU" at prime time on Friday at 7.00 pm. The program 'Unser Land' is one of the most popular and widest-reaching formats of all. Bavarian Broadcasting has regularly accompanied us here since the logo was planted. Often in the rain. But that's just part of it out here. On an area of over 13 hectares, we have sown millions of native field and wild flowers here - in the middle of conventional cultivation,...
Passion and vision: the opportunities of field advertising with flowers and the start-up GEOXIP
The opportunities of field advertising with flowers and the consistent vision of the start-up GEOXIP Nature as an advertising space with wildflowers? What initially sounds like a bold vision has already been put into practice by the Munich-based start-up GEOXIP. With a creative approach that goes far beyond conventional advertising, GEOXIP sows huge logos with wildflowers in fields. Innovative seeding techniques such as Vector-Seed® and Multilayer-Seed turn fields into living works of art and at the same time a symbol of sustainability and biodiversity. This form of advertising creates a unique connection between people, nature and brand. It is a concept that focuses on genuine emotions and is a triple winner: for the environment, the farmers and the companies. Blooming messages: Nature is the winner Imagine a field full of native wildflowers spreading out under a bright blue sky. From a distance, you can make out a company's giant logo or message - spectacular, huge, vibrant,...
How flowering islands can make fields barrier-free and connect habitats better than conventional flower strips
How flowering islands can make fields barrier-free and connect habitats better than conventional flower strips Freising. Flower strips at the edge of fields make sense and have long been a familiar sight. But just a few meters beyond that, the habitat for butterflies and wild bees often ends again. In many places, the distances to the next oasis are too great when a "treated" field represents an insurmountable barrier. In addition to flowering strips and natural habitats, flowering islands in the middle of fields therefore represent a small revolution in modern arable farming. This is because they break through the usual structures directly in the field. Using the innovative and biodiverse field advertising of ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU in the north of Munich as an example, we explain the principle of logo cultivation with native flowers in the middle of conventional cultivation and compare the habitat for insects with a "normal flowering strip". The field selected for the huge ground picture is located to the west of Achering (Freising) and is perfectly visible on approach. But flowering islands in the form of...
Largest sports branding in the world sown on 50 hectares of field at Berlin Airport
Largest sports branding in the world sown on 50 hectares of field at Berlin Airport Just in time for the start of the 2024 European Championships, we from startup GEOXIP have sown what is probably the largest sports branding in the world with millions of flowers on a field directly at Berlin Airport. The dimensions are gigantic. The field covers an area of 490,000 square meters, i.e. around 50 hectares (equivalent to around 70 soccer pitches). The circumference of the field is 2.8 kilometers. If you were to walk around every detail, you would cover almost 5 kilometers. The branding and lettering have a circumference of 4,574 meters. The sown lettering "YOU GOT THIS" is an incredible 600 meters (!) long and each letter is at least 65 meters high. The surface area of a single letter such as the "O" alone is 2,890 square meters, roughly the size of 10 small terraced houses with gardens. Here, however, it provides a habitat for thousands of native field and wild flowers and creates a network in the middle of...
High-tech startup GEOXIP: Geobranding and success are teamwork.
HighTech Startup GEOXIP: Geobrandings und Erfolg sind Teamarbeit. Danke an alle, die uns unterstützen! Auszeichnungen und Awards für das größte Wildblumenlogo der Welt. Das größte Sportbranding der Welt, das größte Brauerei-Logo der Welt mit Feld und Wildblumen… hinter all dem steht die Idee, Präzisionstechnik für den Wildblumenanbau zu entwickeln und statt schnöder Blühstreifen hochpräzise Wildblumenlogos mit schützenswerten heimischen Pflanzenarten anzubauen. Davon profitiert die Natur, denn wir vernetzen Biotope und bringen Wildbienen und Vielfalt zurück. Unser Geschäftsmodell belohnt zudem Landwirte, die sich für Biodiversität einsetzen und sich als GEOXIP-Partner vollkommen kostenfrei bei uns registrieren können. Kunden werden so zum echten und ehrlichen Naturpaten. Denn Geoglyphen mit heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen und all der Insektenvielfalt und Blütenvielfalt kann man hautnah von unten erleben. Hier in unserer Heimat. All das macht Sinn, weil eben alle davon profitieren! Der ein oder andere Groß-Investor hat uns auf der Startlinie noch milde belächelt. Wir passen ja…
Why Robert is a GEOXIP shareholder. A short statement for our start-up
Green Startup GEOXIP - Why Robert is a shareholder with us Robert Tille is a lawyer in "real life". He loves nature and has an affinity for research (Fraunhofer Institute). Robert has supported our startup GEOXIP from the very beginning because we can all make a difference together if we passionately apply our very different talents and motives. Robert believes - like all of us - that we can not only earn money with our vision, but also promote biodiversity and simply have a really coherent concept with our high-tech innovations for sustainability. With us, nature wins. Farmers win. And companies too, of course! This is possible with your support, i.e. if you enjoy investing your resources sensibly and purposefully. Find out more at Why Robert is a shareholder in the GEOXIP start-up Be part of it. Let's get started: Green Invest in our startup GEOXIP: Read more
Christian explains GEOXIP for shareholders
Welcome to GEOXIP! Founder Christian Seebauer explains our start-up in 20 seconds for anyone who wants to join us so that together we can achieve something really big for sustainability and biodiversity. Let's develop high-tech for something really good! Let's bring back native wildflowers and insects by conjuring up gigantic and unprecedented soil images for nature sponsors. Right from the start, we are making a difference for nature in XXXL style: for example, with the world's largest wildflower logo for Deutsche Telekom (winner of the German Sustainability Award) and currently with what is probably the world's largest job advertisement for the Lufthansa Group. All of this is a win-win-win for farmers, biodiversity and companies that can demonstrate their honest sustainability directly in our homeland and benefit our biodiversity right here. Together with you, we can do good and get off to an even faster start. By the way: GEOXIP has (as of 05.03.2024) no outside capital, but is exclusively owned by...
Soil image as a biotope overlapping bee pasture
Ground picture as biotope-spanning bee pasture For its 110th anniversary, Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG is once again committed to true sustainability and native biodiversity. Wild bees, bees, bumblebees and butterflies are allowed to fly on the "110" sown with field and wild flowers. Here they find food and a biotope-spanning unsprayed retreat. The anniversary logo was sown in the Dachau district with a field and wildflower mixture using GEOXIP's VectorSeed technology and connects several local biotope areas. While fields are mowed all around, the flower logo provides a small but rich habitat for all kinds of beneficial insects, soil life and, of course, field hares. Included in the flower mix are numerous soil-improving plants, such as those that, as deep-rooted plants, absorb Co2 and nitrogen from the air and permanently bind it in the soil as humus. Video: Seen from the air - soil picture as bee pasture Habitat explained in 54 seconds: While all around after mowing hardly any food and habitat for insects can be found...