GEOXIP on television: BR Unser Land - Flower mixture in the logo, advertising in the field
GEOXIP on television: BR 'Unser Land' - Flowering mix in the logo, advertising in the field "But let's start with a crazy idea. Flower strips as advertising space in the field. Well, we couldn't imagine anything like that, so we took a look at it and... [short pause] were surprised!" says Florian Kienast, excitingly introducing the first segment of the popular TV show 'Unser Land' on BR television. The start-up GEOXIP will be presented with the spectacular logo extension for "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU" at prime time on Friday at 7.00 pm. The program 'Unser Land' is one of the most popular and widest-reaching formats of all. Bavarian Broadcasting has regularly accompanied us here since the logo was planted. Often in the rain. But that's just part of it out here. On an area of over 13 hectares, we have sown millions of native field and wild flowers here - in the middle of conventional cultivation,...
Sown bee at Lake Waginger See as a biotope network in the test project for soil images
Chiemgau. Hoch über dem Waginger See mit Blick in die Bayrischen Alpen haben wir mit unserem GEOXIP-Team zusammen mit SHH (Marcus und Sepp Hastreiter, Felix Schnurpfeil) die neuesten Entwicklungen unserer Vector-Seed Technik erprobt und dabei ganz nebenbei ein spektakuläres wie sinnvolles Bodenbild mit Biene und Sonnenblume im Acker versteckt. Weil so viele uns fragen und auch die Presse das Thema aufgegriffen hat, verraten wir Euch gerne ein paar Hintergrundinfos zu unserem Demo-Projekt in unserer Heimat. Logoanbau ist eine Chance für Wildbienen und heimische Artenvielfalt Auf 77.150 Quadratmetern (das entspricht etwa 10 aneinandergereihten Fußballfeldern) haben wir mit 204.000 Sonnenblumen und ca. 5,4% untergesäten heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen eine Biene mit Sonnenblume mitten in ein konventionelles Maisfeld mit unserer Technik eingesät. Der Landwirt kann es sich bei unserem gut vergütetem Projekt erlauben, auf rigorose Unkrautvernichtung zu verzichten und neben den eingesäten Sonnenblumen im Feld auch einmal “Unkraut” und (ansonsten undenkbare) Untersaat mit…
Lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture in the sunrise
Huge lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture at sunrise On the approach to the runway at Munich Airport, a huge ground picture of the Lufthansa Group can be seen from afar. The upward message is hard to miss, because its dimensions alone are so gigantic that it breaks all conventional boundaries. The elements of the lettering have a total circumference of 5.6 kilometers! Individual letters are up to almost 40 (!) meters high and have a surface area of up to 1,200 square meters! You could easily build a detached house with a large garden on some of these letters. But that's not the point, of course. Seen from the air, each individual letter is a message. On the ground, each letter forms its own flowering island and will then link biodiverse habitats and biotopes at Pullinger Weiher from spring onwards. An approach at sunrise is already spectacular. In the short video we show...