Tag Archives: Buy shares

GEOXIP AG: Sustainable field advertising for the IAA MOBILITY 2021 in the approach corridor/ runway of Munich Airport. AUDI rings and lettering "Welcome to BavarIAA".

Bavarian eco start-up turns nature lovers into shareholders Using GPS precision technology to grow company logos in huge fields with real plants? Allowing farmers to participate in the global advertising market? This is the goal of the Bavarian start-up GEOXIP. Entrepreneur Christian Seebauer from the north of Munich had the idea many years ago when he was writing his diploma thesis on GPS-based applications in agricultural technology at the Technical University of Munich. GEOXIP's revenue model is explained and understood in a few seconds. For laymen as well as for investors. It is based on the difference between the notoriously low prices that farmers have to accept per hectare despite immense work and the huge advertising budgets that corporations have to spend today in order to be perceived by their customers at all. The yield value of land used for "advertising cultivation" can be about 40 times higher than that for agricultural use. This benefits the farmers - and the shareholders behind GEOXIP. For the advertising companies, too, the naturally...

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