Huge lettering in the field: Lufthansa Group ground picture in the sunrise
On the approach to the runway at Munich Airport, a huge Lufthansa Group ground image can be seen from afar. The message above is hard to miss, because its dimensions alone are so gigantic that it goes beyond all conventional frames. The elements of the lettering have a total circumference of 5.6 kilometers! Individual letters are up to almost 40 (!) meters high and have a surface area of up to 1,200 square meters! You could easily build a detached house with a large garden on some of these letters. But that's not the point, of course. Seen from the air, each individual letter is a message. On the ground, each letter forms its own flowering island and then links biodiverse habitats and biotopes at Pullinger Weiher from spring onwards.
An approach at sunrise is already spectacular. In this short video, we show you what the ground view looks like from above.
Photo gallery Approach Geoglyph Lufthansa Group
Take part: Martina explains our startup GEOXIP in 30 seconds
Martina briefly explains the startup GEOXIP for all those who are interested in sustainability, biodiversity and a high-tech startup and who might be interested in working as an entrepreneur themselves. Shareholder want to be part of it. We sow logos and develop wildflower sowing techniques: Sustainable. Large areas of up to 120 hectares. Colorful flowers and beehives in the middle. Green storytelling for companies. An opportunity for nature. We connect habitats and bring back biodiversity. We give farmers a fair perspective. Let's grow something really meaningful together. Let's get started. Read more ->
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Lass uns gemeinsam viele Bienen, Wildbienen, Schmetterlinge und heimische Wildpflanzen zurückbringen. Mit unseren HighTech-Innovationen wie VectorSeed(R) können wir die Natur zur ganz großen Bühne machen und mit unseren Geoglyphen Biodiversität und seltene Arten fördern! Dabei gewinnen alle! Unser Aktienwert hat sich bereits fast verdreifacht. Werde jetzt noch zu Startkonditionen Teil von uns und helfe mit, etwas wirklich Sinnvolles zu bewegen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich! Mehr dazu ->