Customer experience Telekom

Customer experience Telekom

Logo farming experiences. An interview with Christian Hammerschmidt (Telekom) about #magentablossom

With the environmental project "#magentablossom", Deutsche Telekom has set a real example for sustainability with over 21.6 million field and wild flowers and in doing so has shown how biodiverse logo cultivation can promote and achieve something really meaningful. As a start up, we are naturally interested in how our customer "Deutsche Telekom" evaluates the project and the collaboration, what concerns there were and what expectations were met. Today we talk about this directly in the field with Christian Hammerschmidt (Senior Brand Manager, Deutsche Telekom). We conduct the conversation - as is customary in nature - in the per du form. Without a script or much effort, but spontaneously, honestly and genuinely.


Youtube link:


Christian Hammerschmidt, Telecom:

"It's always a bit of a trial and error. Here comes the 'big company' and the small startup... How does the cooperation work? I think it worked totally well! You guys are an incredibly professional partner. I noticed that from day one. So both in terms of the processing, the implementation, the plants actually, but also the creativity - how you approached finding solutions when there were problems. How you supported us in many of the measures we took in and around the field. That was totally super! In this respect, this start-up feeling was not there at all, but you were simply a totally professional partner for what we have undertaken here."


Screenshots of the Magenta Blossom sustainability project

Bike parking at telecom wildflower trail, interview with telecom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Bicycle parking #magentablossom
Guided tour of the Deutsche Telekom wildflower trail #magentablossom
Guided tour of #magentablossom
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Guided tour of the wildflower trail
The bee colonies at the sown Telekom logo field MagentaBlossom in Bonn provide much more honey than usual with wildflowers
Honey bees in #magentablossom
A bee at #magentablossom finds food on a magenta colored mallow here
A bee finds food on a wild mallow here
Largest wildflower logo in the world
#magentablossom aerial field advertising as ground image
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
#magentablossom Field Ads as ground image
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Interview with Telekom #magentablossom
Field advertising telecom smart farming
Screenshot (c) Telekom, Smart Farming
Field advertising telecom biodiversity and biodiversity
Screenshot (c) Telekom, biodiversity and species diversity
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Screenshot (c) Telekom, Smart Frarming
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Screenshot (c) Telekom, Fairphone competition
Interview with Telekom about GEOXIP field advertising #magentablossom
Screenshot (c) Telekom, nature sponsorship


Photos (c) GEOXIP, (c) Deutsche Telekom AG, Screenprints: (c) Deutsche Telekom AG

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Customer experience Telekom

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Telekom field advertising (FieldAds) #magentablossom


Christian Hammerschmidt, Telekom

"It's always a bit of a trial and error. Here comes the 'big company' and the small startup... How does the cooperation work? I think it worked totally well! You guys are an incredibly professional partner. I noticed that from day one. So both in terms of processing, implementation, the plants actually, but also the creativity - how you approached finding solutions when there were problems, how you supported us in many measures that we did here in and around the field. That was totally super! In this respect, this start-up feeling was not there at all, but you were simply a totally professional partner for what we have undertaken here."

Christian Seebauer, Startup GEOXIP

"I hope you can see the result. At the beginning, it was actually very exciting for everyone because it hadn't rained for a long time. (...) And then that is already an experience. Three, four days after the rain, it explodes."

GPS Logon Construction with GEOXIP Vector-Seed

Christian Hammerschmidt, Telekom

"So of course that was one of those phases. We actually did it for the first time, logically enough. It hadn't even been done before on this scale, and doing it in startups is something completely new. So it's not as if you've been able to gather experience for years. And yes, as I said, this is also already, is everything written correctly, do the plants come as we imagine? Where do the plants come from, what do they look like? Were quite a lot of imponderables, to which we have of course reacted, because we wanted to have an optimal result in the end. And right, this moment. It was raining, we waited a long time. We had a late realization because the weather was actually relatively dry, early in the year, when we wanted to realize that. Then the rain came and all of a sudden it's just really sprouts everywhere and you could see from day to day how the plants developed. And that was yes, that was very exciting, how nature then all at once explosively asserts itself like that."

Field advertising: ground pictures are seen from the air

Christian Seebauer, GEOXIP

"You can only see it from the air..."

Christian Hammerschmidt, Telekom

"That's part of the fascination. Well, there are aerial photos that we have taken with drones from really high altitudes, because that is so big that you have to be at least, I would say, 100 to 150 meters in the air to be able to capture that in that dimension. They exist, we have them on our website and you can have a look at them there. But the nice thing is, when you're in here, to be able to experience that, that's something special. And the recordings are just, are just also there. That means you can achieve a nice effect in the combination. We were able to create such a great "aha" experience for people with the pictures. We also wanted to use this as a kind of inspiration, so that people ask themselves, okay, the telecoms, what are they doing and why are they doing such a project? For us, it was really more of a, look here, we're very committed to sustainability, so it's more like pure outdoor advertising. But the format is sustainable in itself, and that was the beauty of it. In that respect, I don't find any problem or even contradiction in that at all, that you can only see the whole thing from a certain height. So the experience is."

With field advertising you can make sustainable communication and really reach customers

Christian Seebauer, GEOXIP

"You have made much, much more of it than we had imagined at the beginning. You plan the whole thing of course, but in the meantime it is that are parking lots there, that one can go in and is in the front in advance, what nobody thought, that people with horses rode, quite a lot of families with children, flowers, plants, certain apps. You guys introduced smart farming. I saw it. A raffle for her of made events staff at the meeting. After all, the benefits are much broader than I could imagine at the beginning. It was very exciting."

Outdoor advertising - but sustainable!

Christian Hammerschmidt, Telekom

"Yes, definitely. So I mean, the question for us was really at the beginning, do we make an advertisement, an outdoor advertisement out of it and point out that we take sustainability very seriously as a big campaign. Or do we use the space for much more? You have just mentioned many examples where we have done this. But for us, that was also a bit sustainable. Because if you have such an opportunity, then you should also use it in the most profitable way possible. Profitable in the sense of creating experiences, not profitable in the sense of making profits. But you do create experiences, and fortunately many people have shared this with us. Through meetings, through guided tours, through walks, but also through participation in the videos, through the competition, which we have just done, where you can simply send in the most beautiful plant moments and then get a prize. So that was important for us, that you can use the whole thing sustainably, of course, and not just as outdoor advertising, but also actually implemented as an experience."


Field Ads experiences. An interview with Christian Hammerschmidt (Telekom) about #magentablossom sustainable field advertising.

With the environmental project "#magentablossom", Deutsche Telekom has set a real example for sustainability with over 21.6 million field and wild flowers and in doing so has shown how biodiverse logo cultivation can promote and achieve something really meaningful. As a start up, we are naturally interested in how our customer "Deutsche Telekom" evaluates the project and the collaboration, what concerns there were and what expectations were met. Today we talk about this directly in the field with Christian Hammerschmidt (Senior Brand Manager, Deutsche Telekom). We conduct the conversation - as is customary in nature - in the per du form. Without a script or much effort, but spontaneously, honestly and genuinely.

"It's always a bit of a trial and error. Here comes the 'big company' and the small startup... How does the cooperation work? I think it worked totally well! You guys are an incredibly professional partner. I noticed that from day one. So both in terms of the processing, the implementation, the plants actually, but also the creativity - how you approached finding solutions when there were problems. How you supported us in many of the measures we took in and around the field. That was totally super! In this respect, this start-up feeling was not there at all, but you were simply a totally professional partner for what we have undertaken here."