High-tech startup GEOXIP: Geobranding and success are teamwork.

High-tech startup GEOXIP: Geobranding and success are teamwork.

HighTech Startup GEOXIP: Geobrandings und Erfolg sind Teamarbeit. Danke an alle, die uns unterstützen!

Awards and accolades for the world's largest wildflower logo. The world's largest sports branding, the world's largest brewery logo with fields and wildflowers... the idea behind it all is to develop precision technology for wildflower cultivation and to grow high-precision wildflower logos with native plant species worthy of protection instead of plain flowering strips. This benefits nature, as we connect biotopes and bring back wild bees and diversity.

Unser Geschäftsmodell belohnt zudem Landwirte, die sich für Biodiversität einsetzen und sich als GEOXIP-Partner vollkommen kostenfrei bei uns registrieren können. Kunden werden so zum echten und ehrlichen Naturpaten. Denn Geoglyphen mit heimischen Feld- und Wildblumen und all der Insektenvielfalt und Blütenvielfalt kann man hautnah von unten erleben. Hier in unserer Heimat. All das macht Sinn, weil eben alle davon profitieren!

Creation of field advertising for ERDINGER Weißbräu, Pellmayer
GEOXIP partner farmer Michael sowing the ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU geoglyph
Stefan from GEOXIP growing a world record-breaking field advertisement

One or two major investors smiled mildly at us on the starting line. After all, we don't fit into any category. We're high-tech and eco at the same time, and then we're ANYWHERE near ... you guessed it "agriculture". And commitment to nature? "But can you earn money with it????"

Und dann gab es da noch das Totschlagsargument “Wenn das wirklich funktionieren würde und es einen Markt gäbe, dann gäbe es doch längst schon andere?”.

Genau jetzt sind wir beim Team. Denn Erfolg ist Glauben und Teamarbeit. Unser Startup GEOXIP entstand mitten in Corona. Dann Ukraine. Jetzt die Politik “Bafa”, die in Deutschland eine völlig unberechenbare und Investoren feindliche Atmosphäre geschaffen hat. Gut so. Denn genau deshalb haben wir heute Erfolg mit unseren Aktionären. Mit Friends & Family und keinem einzigen Cent Fremdkapital. GEOXIP gehört uns allen ganz allein!

GEOXIP Startup Team
GEOXIP team in the office. From left: Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Dorothee Franzen, Martina Tschirge, Sandra Kaymaz, Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Christian Seebauer, Gerhard Mühleck

From a standing start, we then also delivered the really big things: e.g. AUDI/ IAA. VR banks. Deutsche Telekom/ largest wildflower logo in the world/ awards. adidas/ largest sports branding in the world on 50 hectares directly at BER. Largest brewery logo in the world "ERDINGER WEISSBRÄU Sommermärchen 2024" at MUC airport. Largest job advertisements in the world "NEXT LANDING: DREAMJOB. lufthansagroup.careers" in Munich and Frankfurt. And it goes on. We have the technology. We have the fields. We inspire the farmers, pay them fairly and give them mindfulness.

Ausschnitt der Geoglyphe lufthansagroup am MUC
Section of the lufthansagroup geoglyph (ground image) at Munich Airport

Startup Demo Night. Team GEOXIP.

BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech. 20th photo of the GEOXIP team at the Startup Demo Night: Presentation of innovative technologies for field advertising. The startup shows how precision technology can be used to produce ground images as creative OOH advertising. An opportunity for investors to participate in an innovative startup.
left: GIS expert Sebastian (Geographic Information System)
BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech
BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech
BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech
Startup Demo Night 2024. f.l. Christian, Martina, Gerhard
GEOXIP Startup Team at the Startup Demo Night trade fair
f.L. Sales employees Felix and Christian
GEOXIP Startup Team
from left Michael and Markus
Selina surveying in the field
Christoph installing the software
BayStartUp: Startup Demo Night 2024 with GEOXIP Biodiversity HighTech: 20th photo of the GEOXIP team at the Startup Demo Night: Presentation of innovative technologies for field advertising. The startup shows how precision technology can be used to produce ground images as creative OOH advertising. An opportunity for investors to participate in an innovative startup.
GEOXIP team at the Startup Demo Night 2024, Selina, Felix, Christian, Gerhard, Stella, Michael, Sebastian. Demonstration of the MultilayerSeed/ Vector-Seed test project in the approach path to Salzburg Airport
Team GEOXIP installing a field advertisement
Phillip, Stella, Selina and Christoph growing a field advertisement