Wildflowers... and a rainbow in the rear view mirror
08.08.2023. Magenta Blossom. Telekom #greenmagenta. A report by Christian Seebauer.
Just a moment ago, I walked barefoot along Telekom's field and wildflower trail in Bonn/ Flamersheim in the rain. A little wet, but relaxed, I'm now heading home. On leaving Flamersheim, I see a rainbow in the rearview mirror. One that is guaranteed to conjure up an arc in all the spectral colors that nature has to offer, even over the Magenta Blossom field at this very moment. If that's not a reason to turn around... what is?
On the way I ask myself every second whether the crazy beautiful rainbow would still be there when I would be back at the field. Somehow I talk to myself in the car and would love to overtake a slow driver in the middle of the village, just to somehow not miss my crazy date with the rainbow at the Telekom field. A passenger would have shaken his head at all my nervousness. Even more so because I was all alone in the car talking at a good volume "come on, please wait for me too, I'll be right there" and drumming my hands on the steering wheel. But that is another matter. Now it's about nature. About the moment. About the here and now!
Even without overtaking, I made it back to the "Magenta Blossom" traverse. The wind whistles around my ears, but the rainbow is still there. Even more: He seems to be just for me to run up to his top form. As if he wanted to give me the ".T." - around which I just ran in the rain, in a completely surreal scenery. The ".T." alone with all its colorful flowers is already huge. And now the nature just shows me that it is still much much bigger. Everything else becomes small. I feel like a tiny dot. I am amazed. I am overwhelmed...
Now if only there were someone with whom I could share this moment. My wife Conny. My children. Or a good friend. But alas, I am here all alone. My drone is in the trunk. However, with probably quite empty battery. So out with it, ignore wind and battery warning and off into the air. A walker with dog is now suddenly next to me and says "crass and the flies in the wind?". Then she goes on, without knowing that here under the rainbow is probably the largest field and wildflower logo in the world to see from the air.
My drone keeps sending me warnings and refuses to fly at higher altitudes. From an altitude of 80 meters, however, the seeded lettering "#green magenta" cannot be captured even with a wide-angle lens. It is simply much too large. And a flight over inhabited terrain is obviously out of the question given the wind conditions. But even so, I'm taken with the view of the small display. Because I look as if I could fly. And that's exactly what this nature sponsorship by Deutsche Telekom is all about. It's about seeing visions of a better world and implementing them with all the means at our disposal. It's always about doing.
As a small dot in space, I walked through the field. Wildflowers have accompanied me. And despite the wind and rain, all kinds of insects were out and about, simply feeling at home and alive here. All this moved me. The fact that I, as a human being, am now once again allowed to "fly" over all this with my eyes, thanks to technology, makes me think. I probably belong to the first generation in the entire history of mankind that can raise its eyes into the air and see the world from above and from a distance. So it's high time to respect them.
Telekom's nature sponsorship shows what nature can do... if you give it a chance!
The following incredible flower photo is NOT a photo montage. The photo is NOT edited. Farmer Christoph Jeken took it in the field with his cell phone. He was just driving his tractor and got out at the southern end of the ".T."'s and took out his cell phone. Something like that is unique. Something like that is moving. Something like that shows what nature can do... if you just give it a chance. You can experience all this here at the Magenta Blossom field.
Video: Rainbow at Telekom Field Magenta Blossom
This is how the seeded logo and field and wildflower sweep path in the Magenta Blossom field looks from above. (Privacy notice: Clicking on the video will embed Youtube). Direct link: https://youtu.be/8a8Nj-tIdA
Thank you to all who make this project possible and support it! Thank you to all who believe in real sustainability and see nature as the big stage. If you want, you can still become a partner of our startup now (as of 09.08.2023) at startup conditions. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has recognized our sustainable concept and supports our shareholders. Read more ->
More about Telekom logo sown on the field "Magenta Blossom":
How can you actually promote biodiversity and bring back rare native plants? What is blooming here? What is rare, protected or even threatened with extinction? What does Telekom do with its nature sponsorship and what does it bring back to our home? How do you make the largest ground picture in the world with field and wild plants? And how can farmers and nature benefit equally? How did we as startup GEOXIP come up with this idea and why are we burning to bring back biodiversity with high tech? Lots of questions and lots more answers: