GEOXIP at the DLG Field Days 2022 says thank you!
It is about farmers. It is about opportunities and appreciation.
Mannheim. 2022. It's about the farmers. It's about the people who stand fully behind our nature and extract from it every day all that we all need to live. We at Startup GEOXIP say thank you for the wonderful talks and the overwhelming interest in our concept of bringing some appreciation back to farmers in addition to orders. We also say thank you to the outstandingly good organisation and the insanely dedicated commitment of all DLG staff: You can't do it better and with more attention to detail. You have brought people and visions together!
(Link for farmers: )
A commentary by Christian Seebauer.
As a young start-up, we were in no way prepared for such gigantic interest and the unbelievable response. "Unprofessional" - my wife Conny would say with a smile. Because we already ran out of business cards on the first day. But not the pure enthusiasm and the motivation to talk so intensively with so many interested people in person. And our brochures for farmers (5,000 of them) ran out at 10:21 a.m. on the second day. After that, we could only make the best of it and handed out folders "for shareholders", which at least contained our website and a bit of information about our vision. Sorry and of course, you can also invest in us. Read more ->
We had to hold our 3m high roll-up in the wind with our hands, many laughed, helped and so we were exotic and highlight at the same time among all the well-known big exhibitors. DLG project manager Andreas Steul noted with a smile on the very first day: "Gross. People queue up in front of your stand to talk to you. There's always something going on at your stand. How do you do it?"
We don't have a real answer to that. A picture says more than a thousand words: a logo on the field. Everyone understands that right away. Rationally and emotionally, this is an absolute dam-break! Because suddenly farmers are absolutely in the foreground. Corporations advertise on farmers' land. And corporations want to show themselves to be sustainable. Even more: they want to show closeness and attachment to the producer. Proximity to nature. Proximity to the customer. Responsibility and "sustainability" are buzzwords that can be implemented in XXL with GEOXIP. Credible. Fair. Honest.(Info on field advertising for companies ->)
Farmers deserve appreciation and much more participation!
Across from me, in the "DLG Forum 2", a doctoral speaker has just given a lecture on 17 (!) cents added value per xy in terms of nitrogen fertilisation. From my point of view, this is extremely high-calibre and sensible. And yet, at the same time, I think to myself: Do farmers - who have long been system-supporting and admirably versatile entrepreneurs - really have to worry about "17 cents"? Has price dictation already brought us so far that we no longer recognise real opportunities and the big picture? Do we no longer have any grand visions? Don't we deserve much more respect from our society and also from the big brands? I for one think: yes we do. And yes, that became very clear at the DLG Field Days. Farmers can do much more. Farmers have land and also know-how. RTK, GPS, precision farming and the big stage of sustainability only sound abstract to lay people - but not to farmers anymore. Let us please be aware that farmers have a value! Nature, the field, the know-how has a value. Be part of is. Be part of it. GEOXIP connects. GEOXIP brings orders from big brands to your field. Win-win.
Info: The German Agricultural Society (DLG) is an organisation (since 1885 ) of the German agricultural and food industry with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. The DLG is a non-profit association with about 30,000 members. Information on membership and much more can be found here:
That's good: There is no way around farmers...
Und this is precisely where we believe there is no way around farmers. Because they are the ones who, in addition to a fair price, finally deserve respect and real appreciation! You can definitely advertise and do something with farmers and their hard work... Only, you have to show your colours and perhaps show some humility as a client here and there.
Instead of a defined colour scheme, nature counts. Instead of an exact schedule, the "weather god" also counts - for the marketing department of large companies, this is both an opportunity and a nightmare. New territory, then. What counts is the farmer, who agrees with us in crystal-clear terms what should and may grow in his field, when and how.
Co-earn. Plan with us. Participate. That's what it's all about.
You can register here:
Free of charge. No contractual obligation. You simply profit when we have an order for your field.
GEOXIP field advertising: companies get customer proximity, producer proximity and nature as a stage
What companies get is absolutely high-end: because agricultural experience and passion bring advertisers back into the focus of their radically changed clientele. Today, they expect brands to make real, sustainable and fair statements that they can be bought into. And this is where the farmer provides the big stage. Because field advertising offers daily content for green storytelling.
Field advertising works because it is honest.
It is convincing because it is also supported by farmers. Customer proximity is priceless. Closeness to nature and sustainability is becoming compulsory throughout the EU(CSR reporting /link to IHK Frankfurt) - less complicated is the simple realisation of a corporation:
"I stand by those who work for me out here. I value producers. I value nature, use it and give part of my advertising budget back to where my products come from and get it back a thousandfold."
GEOXIP: When corporations see farmers as a real opportunity...
On the second day, I experienced how crazy the DLG Field Days 2022 bring people and visions together: There were Georg and Hannes - farmers (father/ son) with whom I talked about fairness and appreciation towards farmers. Of course, there were also questions about "what do I earn in the process". Almost unnoticed, a nice lady was also present at the bar table and wanted to "just listen". Only much later did it turn out that she is a top executive of a huge corporation and was absolutely flashed by the concept of field advertising, because it simply fits 100% to carry a sustainable and absolutely honest brand message to the outside.
At GEOXIP, we bring the parties together for mutual success and seed the logo/campaign with top-class expertise so that everything fits for both sides.
Thanks to all! Thanks to you!
Christian Seebauer
Board of Directors GEOXIP AG
What does a farmer have to do to be part of it?
Simple question. Clear answer: Simply register with us, see below. Completely free of charge. No contractual obligation and no risk. The best way is to use our contact form. You are also welcome to send us a quick map file (QGIS, KML etc.) so that we can show our clients what is possible on Google Maps. We will then discuss projects with you in person and find out what is possible (crop rotation, period of time, price, etc.). It is important to us that all parties participate fairly in the project and are happy to come back!
Contact us at | +49 8139 99 45 38 | Contact form
Imagination is in our genes... Natutur too!
The Nazca lines were created in 800 B.C. At that time there was no GPS, no RTK drilling. There was nothing but the vision and the SELF-consciousness of being me, of living visions. That which was drawn in the landscape existed as a clear vision in the minds, hands and feet. And the vision that you had to be able to see it gigantically from high above. No Google Earth, no drones. None of that existed at the time. But there was a firm will to bring art - today "branding" - spectacularly onto the very big stage. And even today, the following still applies: imagination blasts bla bla (today, for example, mainstream advertising). Because for mainstream, we humans have evolutionary filters that simply block out even brand advertising without an aha effect. Clicks and conversion rates are no longer everything. Emotions and imagination connect more profoundly. And field advertising is profound!
What does a company/agency have to do to win you, its clients and nature?
Understand that the weather god, nature, the field, the season, the farmer are the determining factors. No clover blooms in RAL colors. No phacelia meets deadlines exactly. What we offer together is... The very big stage. Understanding that customers will stand by/switch to the brand if the brand gets it right and hits the hearts and zeitgeist.
So what we all need is not the "carry on", but courageous people who dare to take the real step towards the customer/sustainability and are prepared to show a little humility in return. What is there to win? Wow: customers who stand by the brand. Real sustainability. Real impact. Green stories. Closeness. Just get in touch. Discuss your cool pilot project in person ->
Very personal contact with us
Dipl. Ing. Univ. Christian Seebauer is founder and chairman of GEOXIP AG and at the DLG Field Days "the one with the neon yellow or neon green shirt": 08139/994538 and 0176/ 3419 41 09 |
Dipl.- Ing. FH Thomas Lichtenstern is co-founder and CTO and the one who stood barefoot in the field at the DLG Field Days. 08139/994538 and 0175/ 58 44 780 |
Sabine Grudda knows all about sales and project design perfectly and was wearing a green shirt. 0172/ 57 12 223. |
Participate: Contact form for farmers
If you are a farmer, please contact us. JOIN US. Feel free to write in the message field that we got to know each other personally, e.g. at the DLG Field Days. Write us your ideas or send us a punch file by email. We look forward to meeting you!