Category Archives: telekom

Biotope networking and promotion of native biodiversity with field advertising Field advertising is much more than pure marketing and sustainable corporate communication. It is an advantage for farmers, it brings back biodiversity and it can be experienced. And: flowering islands can connect biotopes and habitats and thus build bridges for the spread of native species, as Deutsche Telekom (winner of the 16th German Sustainability Award) has successfully demonstrated with its Magenta Blossom field advertising. Flower strips are normally placed at the edge of fields and usually occupy only a few percent (e.g. 5%) of the field area in the form of a line. Due to the geometry, biotope networking can therefore often only take place one-dimensionally (not covering the area) and to a limited extent. This is where the "Magenta Blossom" field advertising sets completely new standards. The field is surrounded by an approximately 12m wide flowering strip and interspersed with flowering islands (T logo and #green magenta lettering). This allows two-dimensional colonization with insects and cross-spatial biotope networking with opportunities to jump to other areas.

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Drone flight in autumn over Deutsche Telekom field advertising

Bee food in late fall: Spectacular drone flight over Telekom field advertising Magenta Blossom Sport drone pilot Jan shows you the largest field and wildflower logo in the world in a spectacular tracking shot from the eyes of a bee. The video was recorded at 60 frames per second. Jan flies with his drone maneuvers with up to 140 km/h over the blooming islands of the Magenta Blossom. The video runs here in original speed, so it is not played back faster. The camera work brings a roller coaster feeling and real belly tingling, but above all one thing: You can put yourself for a moment in the shoes of a bee that spends its life here in this field and knows every angle, every perspective and every approach angle inside out. For the flowering islands of the logo have become its home. By the way, bees can reach speeds of almost 30 km/h in calm conditions and can keep going all day long! What many people don't know: The deliberately few bee colonies still have food here in the fall...

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Interview on field advertising #magentablossom, Deutsche Telekom and GEOXIP

Experiences on logo cultivation. An interview with Christian Hammerschmidt (Telekom) about #magentablossom With the environmental project "#magentablossom", Telekom has set a real example for sustainability with over 21.6 million field and wild flowers and in doing so has shown how biodiverse logo cultivation can promote and achieve something really meaningful. As a start up, we are naturally interested in how our customer "Deutsche Telekom" evaluates the project and the collaboration, what concerns there were and what expectations were met. Today we talk about this directly in the field with Christian Hammerschmidt (Senior Brand Manager, Deutsche Telekom). We conduct the conversation - as is customary in nature - in the per du form. Completely without script and great effort, but spontaneous, honest, genuine. Youtube link: Christian Hammerschmidt, Telekom: "It's always a bit of a trial and error. Here comes the 'big company' and the small startup... How does the cooperation work? I think it worked totally well! You are an incredibly professional partner....

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Magenta Blossom field and wild flowers #greenmagenta #telecom #sustainability #research project #geoxip

Experience biodiversity: On foot through the Magenta Blossom field Bonn/ Flamersheim. A ground picture is best experienced from below. Because this is where life happens! This is where it returns if we encourage it. The rest is vision and the power of imagination. Why not use returned native flowers and insect diversity to "paint" a message in the field and send it out to the universe? Sustainability can be done without being loud at all. It's about thinking and making a mark. Since humans have existed, the respect and deep connection with our nature has been expressed artistically and transported messages. Be it animal pictures. Be it the animal figures in the Nazca Lines in Peru. Back then, people didn't have drones to ever see what they were sending out into the universe. Imagination alone was the driving force to imagine the huge ground images in their minds even from above. And it was precisely this imagination...

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Rainbow over the field Magenta Blossom #greenmagenta

Wildflowers... and a rainbow in the rearview mirror 08.08.2023. Magenta Blossom. Telecom #greenmagenta. A report by Christian Seebauer. Just a moment ago, I walked barefoot along Telekom's field and wildflower trail in Bonn/ Flamersheim in the rain. A bit wet, but relaxed, I'm heading home now. On leaving Flamersheim, I see a rainbow in the rearview mirror. One that is guaranteed to conjure up an arc in all the spectral colors that nature has to offer, even over the Magenta Blossom field at this very moment. If that's not a reason to turn around... what is? Along the way, I wonder every second if the insanely beautiful rainbow would still be there when I got back to the field. Somehow I talk to myself in the car and I would love to overtake a slow driver in the middle of town, just to somehow not miss my crazy date with the rainbow at the Telekom field. A passenger would have shaken his head at all my nervousness....

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GEOXIP field advertising for Deutsche Telekom with field and wild flowers, vector seed

Huge islands of blooms to let nature come back Magenta Blossom #greenmagenta is possibly the largest field and wildflower logo in the world. Deutsche Telekom is behind this unique nature sponsorship. The idea is to bring nature back across biotopes on gigantic islands of blooms. The huge field in Bonn/ Flamersheim was sown using high-precision vector-seed technology from the startup GEOXIP together with farmers. Wildflower logos on 40 hectares (56 soccer fields) can also be seen from space. What you can only see from below: Insects, wild bees, butterflies and wildflowers threatened with extinction are allowed to come back here in unimagined diversity and open up many more habitats by flying from biotope to biotope. For Deutsche Telekom, we were allowed to sow over 20 (!) million field and wild flowers for the ".T." and "#green magenta". These included native species that have long been on the red list and are specially protected or even threatened with extinction. Now everything is starting to bloom colorfully and come to life. Who here...

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Seeding of wild bee pasture#green magenta for Telekom "Magenta Blossom" in Bonn on 40 hectares, 400,000 square meters of biodiversity, logo cultivation GEOXIP

World Environment Day 2023 - Deutsche Telekom "Magenta Blossom" is sown Just in time for World Environment Day 2023, Deutsche Telekom is setting a strong example for real sustainability and pioneering in the middle of our home country. On one of the largest fields in the Cologne/Bonn area, more than 20 million field and wild flowers have been sown on over 40 (!) hectares (approx. 57 soccer fields, circumference over 2.8 kilometers), which will bring back a biodiversity that has probably never been seen before in this form. All that is needed now is sunshine and rain so that the first wild bees can find a rich source of food here. What is special about this is not just the mere cultivation of plant species, some of which have become rare, but the "Magenta Blossom" project itself. Because seen from the air, the huge flowering areas not only form a biotope network but also, in a few weeks, the Telekom logo and the "#green magenta" lettering with blooming field and wild flowers. This project is made possible by our high-precision VectorSeed process,...

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