Category Archives: Press Releases

GEOXIP field advertising for Deutsche Telekom with field and wild flowers, vector seed

Huge islands of blooms to let nature come back Magenta Blossom #greenmagenta is possibly the largest field and wildflower logo in the world. Deutsche Telekom is behind this unique nature sponsorship. The idea is to bring nature back across biotopes on gigantic islands of blooms. The huge field in Bonn/ Flamersheim was sown using high-precision vector-seed technology from the startup GEOXIP together with farmers. Wildflower logos on 40 hectares (56 soccer fields) can also be seen from space. What you can only see from below: Insects, wild bees, butterflies and wildflowers threatened with extinction are allowed to come back here in unimagined diversity and open up many more habitats by flying from biotope to biotope. For Deutsche Telekom, we were allowed to sow over 20 (!) million field and wild flowers for the ".T." and "#green magenta". These included native species that have long been on the red list and are specially protected or even threatened with extinction. Now everything is starting to bloom colorfully and come to life. Who here...

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Seeding of wild bee pasture#green magenta for Telekom "Magenta Blossom" in Bonn on 40 hectares, 400,000 square meters of biodiversity, logo cultivation GEOXIP

World Environment Day 2023 - Deutsche Telekom "Magenta Blossom" is sown Just in time for World Environment Day 2023, Deutsche Telekom is setting a strong example for real sustainability and pioneering in the middle of our home country. On one of the largest fields in the Cologne/Bonn area, more than 20 million field and wild flowers have been sown on over 40 (!) hectares (approx. 57 soccer fields, circumference over 2.8 kilometers), which will bring back a biodiversity that has probably never been seen before in this form. All that is needed now is sunshine and rain so that the first wild bees can find a rich source of food here. What is special about this is not just the mere cultivation of plant species, some of which have become rare, but the "Magenta Blossom" project itself. Because seen from the air, the huge flowering areas not only form a biotope network but also, in a few weeks, the Telekom logo and the "#green magenta" lettering with blooming field and wild flowers. This project is made possible by our high-precision VectorSeed process,...

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Illustration of a sustainable outdoor advertising with sown wildflowers on a field. The picture shows different colored blooming native wildflower mixtures with which a company can show itself sustainably with logo and slogan. Flower advertising is sustainable and promotes biodiversity.

Munich. With our sown wildflower logos, we implement real and honest sustainability in a spectacular way. We do our wildflower cultivation with high-precision VectorSeed technology on fields ranging in size from 10-120 hectares (10 hectares are 100,000 square meters or 14 soccer fields). We are happy to do this with university support (return of biodiversity, biodiversity, CO-binding, natural humus build-up and soil improvement with nitrogen binders without fertilization, and much more). Press/ Illustration: pictorial material to the topic field advertisement with domestic wild flowers for editorial contributions demo video outdoor advertisement on fields climaticneutrally field advertisement, Downloadlink: use please with reference "with friendly permission of" Diashow/ Illustration climaticneutrally outdoor advertisement on fields advertising budget for genuine lastingness: We sow your mark with wild flowers lasting outdoor advertisement in Premiumlage: Square meter price e.g. 0,47 EUR per month: We move your advertisement in Hekar ! Square meter price for outdoor advertising? Forget it. We seed your wildflower advertising in hectares. More photos of climate neutral outdoor advertising on fields with flowers

VR Bank field advertising by GEOXIP

GEOXIP in the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Journal Dachau. GEOXIP AG makes it onto the front page and as a company portrait onto 4 full pages in the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Annual Report. Additional GEOXIP company portrait in the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank annual report as pdf Company portrait - GEOXIP AG, excerpt from the annual report Courtesy of Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau eG A dream comes true. Sustainable logo cultivation becomes a business model For many years, Christian Seebauer dreamed of a major sustainability project. In 2021 - in the middle of the pandemic - he was able to make it a reality. He founded the start-up company GEOXIP in Vierkirchen as a stock corporation. GEOXIP sows company logos on arable land using high-precision GPS technology. Large-scale, sustainable, on up to 100 hectares. And so far unique. Flowering in color, without pesticides or fertilizers, the flowering logo areas create added value for nature, agriculture and the clients, who want to make their commitment to sustainability widely visible. Christian Seebauer worked for many years as an administrative director in a large German banking house....

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Rollup Geoxip AG at the Start-up Demo Night in Munich/ Baystartup

GEOXIP at the Baystartup Demo Night We are there: BayStartUp writes us "congratulations! You have been selected for the Startup Demo Night by BayStartUP. This will take place on 17.05.2022 at TonHalle Munich, Atelierstraße 24, 81671 Munich." Our application hits the zeitgeist exactly: Sustainability. Solutions. With GPS-controlled plant advertising cultivation, we transform agricultural land into flourishing advertising space and offer a globally scalable perfect solution for sustainability implementation/sustainable external impact (Corporate Social Responsibility). GEOXIP's revenue model is based on the difference between huge advertising budgets on the one hand and low prices in agriculture on the other. The yield value of land used for "advertising cultivation" can be 40 times higher than the usual yield value for agricultural use. We mediate (B2B platform) and grow sustainable field advertising with real flowers and bee pastures for corporations on up to 100 HA (1km x 1km). For clients, this is the perfect solution for their need to implement advertising budgets with sustainability in a meaningful way. So far, sustainable advertising media have been so...

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GEOXIP AG: Sustainable field advertising for the IAA MOBILITY 2021 in the approach corridor/ runway of Munich Airport. AUDI rings and lettering "Welcome to BavarIAA".

Bavarian eco start-up turns nature lovers into shareholders Using GPS precision technology to grow company logos in huge fields with real plants? Allowing farmers to participate in the global advertising market? This is the goal of the Bavarian start-up GEOXIP. Entrepreneur Christian Seebauer from the north of Munich had the idea many years ago when he was writing his diploma thesis on GPS-based applications in agricultural technology at the Technical University of Munich. GEOXIP's revenue model is explained and understood in a few seconds. For laymen as well as for investors. It is based on the difference between the notoriously low prices that farmers have to accept per hectare despite immense work and the huge advertising budgets that corporations have to spend today in order to be perceived by their customers at all. The yield value of land used for "advertising cultivation" can be about 40 times higher than that for agricultural use. This benefits the farmers - and the shareholders behind GEOXIP. For the advertising companies, too, the naturally...

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